

This Is a Multipurpose Website Offered In Advance Of Publication As a Guide And Supplement To My Book:


Why Me?

I am a retired academic physician and experimental psychologist (PhD/MD) with a strong and very personal interest in cognitive decline and dementia. After retiring at age 70 from practicing and teaching emergency medicine, I began to question my own memory failings:



Spurred by time on my hands and a strong family history of Alzheimer’s disease, I began to seek answers to those questions about myself. Even after being pronounced “worried, but well” and “normal for age” by two eminent neurologists, my day-to-day difficulties remained. So, I persisted, choosing to study everything I could find about memory loss, cognitive decline, and dementia.  Initially my goal was to educate myself, as I had done countless times in my 36-year medical career on behalf of my patients. Many of those knowledge quests became publications in medical journals and newsmagazines. The more I learned, the more questions I had, and the deeper I dug into the constantly expanding medical literature. Somewhere around the 18th month of studying, and well on my way to reviewing over 1000 published sources, I saw the need to consolidate and organize what I was learning for myself and to share it with my fellow Baby Boomers and our families. Appropriately subtitled “A Doctor’s Personal Guide to Understanding Memory Loss, Cognitive Decline and Dementia”, it is now more than 300 pages.  Supported by 535 scientific references, Aging or Alzheimer’s is to be distributed by Skyhorse Publishing in November 2024.

What Can Be Found Here?

“The Book”

This 26-page preview mirrors the Table of Contents and presents many of the questions that Aging or Alzheimer’s answers.


Comments on a prepublication version by knowledgeable individuals from the fields of academics, education, behavioral science, neuroscience, geriatric medicine, and real life.

“The Author”

Biographical and professional information

“Related Publications”

Free access to my prior related publications on the medical fragility that comes with aging and “How to Survive the Emergency Room”

“Opinions”:  My Personal Observations On:

The News

Agism and Activism

My Private Aging Journey

Releasing My Inner “Angry Old Man”

“Visitor Comments”

What is NOT

I Am Not Selling Anything (Here).

A purpose is obviously to promote interest in and sales of Aging or Alzheimer’s when it becomes available. 

No Breathless Hype

Few exclamation points or sentences ending in a seemingly breathless question mark

No Unvalidated Hope

Limited use of words like “may”, “association between”, “suggesting”, “promising”, etc.

No Medical Advice

Neither this website nor the book is offered as a source of medical advice.

I am not a geriatrician or neurologist. 

I SEE a geriatrician and a neurologist!


I do freely offer my personal opinions (which the reader is free to accept or reject), along with the references that support them.  


All information provided on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended nor suited to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical treatment or for professional medical advice relative to a general or specific medical question or condition.  Visitors to this website are advised to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if they seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

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